In the Early Days voice assistants were only good to know about the weather and set your alarm clock, but now with the rapid development of cognitive conversational Ai and the accuracy of the hardware devices, voice interaction is geared up to a whole new set of usecases for businesses.
Just take the below example where a bank has developed an alexa skill set so that customers can interact with the bank without even visiting a branch
Our requirement was the same, we needed to build an alexa skill set for a customer to handle their inquires and build integrations to pull & push information from back end financial applications. Writing alexa skill sets from ground up takes a considerable amount of effort and time. since we had already deployed an Ai chat bot build on top of Microsoft Cognitive , LUIS, Q&A and the bot framework it made perfect sense of integrating the ALEXA skill set to the Microsoft Cognitive engine.
Below is the high level Architecture
- Utterances originating at an Alexa endpoint received by this restify-based server, translated and forwarded to the Microsoft Bot.
- Server connects to the Bot service through Direct-line channel.
Calvin Hindle
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