
Showing posts from January, 2018

Customer Experience in the era of “THE INTERNET OF THINGS”

Customer experience is a pretty common term these days. Everyone claims they do it, technology companies say they have the solution to achieve it, and the story goes on. If we Google the term “Customer Experience”, this is what you get: “Customer experience (CX) is the p r oduct of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their r elationship. This i nt era ct io n i nc l u de s a cust omer' s a tt ra ct io n , awa r e n e ss , d i s c o v e r y , cultivation, advocacy and pu r chase   and use of a service.” Le t ’ s cut all the noise and look a t this f r om a 30,000 feet pe r specti v e… - Customer Attraction - A wa r eness - Discove r y - Cultivation - Advocacy, pu r chase and use of a service A customer e xperience can simply be an interaction with a compa n y ’ s call cent e r, or it can e v en be the simplest thing like a...